Message from Mr Paul A. Bangura Chairman And Chief Executive Director for Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI)


My Ambition to world in which every child lives, learns and is safe from harm, Survives.
No child dies from preventable causes before
their fifth birthday. Children learn from a quality basic education. Be protected
Violence against children is no longer tolerated 01.
All it takes is a compassionate heart who sees the need and is willing to invest in a child’s life to literally save their precious lives by becoming their personal sponsor. Big jump in the number of kids and women supported,
One year ago, I started with the scholarship with three children now sponsorship 40 children’s. And provided 73 Million Leones to support women within the community Upper Allentown in Sierra Leone.

—– Allentown Diaspora—
” Tubman once says” Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach the stars to change our community.
These Young men and Women from Upper Allentown Diaspora with their determination to help/ assist the less priveledg and the community by donating such materials to help promote good hygiene by following the Precautionary measures.
   1- Wash your hands at all time
   2- Social Distancing
   3-Always use gloves or PPP to cover your face.
For real this deadly disease is true.
    However, the Chairman Mr Paul A. Bangura and his team Whole hearthly contributed to help fight this disease (Corona Virus). Let comply to the rules to keep our community safe, stay healthy and follow the rules of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation.


Allentown community, Community people of Allentown, greetings to you all. The Allentown Diasporans By the directive of the Chairman, Mr Paul A. Bangura in Australia.
Mr Sheka Kamara in United States.
Mr Paul A Kamara in United States.
Mrs Saffiatu Koroma in United States
Mrs Abie in United Kingdom
Mr/Mrs Tholley in United States.
These Diasporans intentive aspiration is to help the community people of upper Allentown in providing preventive equipments against this deadly disease. However, We are asking you all to follow the precautionary measures to keep that community safe. Remember this will only work if we agreed to maintain the hygiene the most properly ways directed.
  The measures as follows:
    1- Practice frequent hand wash with soap.
    2-Wear face mask
    3- keep social distance
We will make sure God willing we do our best to continue helping our community in any trial times.
May God continue to save us all. Bravo to all my Diaspora team. From the Chairman Paul A. Bangura in Australia.


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