Lamrana Kargbo

My Name is Lamrana Kargbo a mother of four dependents. I am 37 years of age. My children names are! Abie M. Kamara, 17 years of age. Yusifu Kamara 8 years of age, Fatmata  Kamara 6 years of age. And Fatmata Turay 14 years of age.

I am a residents of Allen Town, Temne Town. What would you do if you were blind? Especially When you have little children Would you be able to cope? It’s hard to predict how you would deal with the disability, isn’t it? 

face the challenge of catering for my children It is undoubtedly a daunting task to cater for a four children as I am a disabled person, specifically a blind woman. I am with this blindness for decades and I have struggled to provide food, shelter, and clothing for my four children at Allen Town Temne Town Freetown Sierra Leone West Africa.

My warmest thanks for all the hard work and outstanding contribution Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI) have given to our communities. And I don’t know how to express my gratitude to Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI) for given four of my children Scholarships. May the almighty God bless this organization. 

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