The main objective of Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI) shall be to empower vulnerable Women and Children to serve as advocates on issues that bother oneed a paper writtenn their health and survival by engaging with leaders in and around Africa to advocate for increased public financial resources towards climate change, the health sector, Women and Children rights, Child welfare and increased finance for development.

We shall also demand for greater transparency and accountability in the management of public budgets in Africa.

The Organization shall also provide Micro Loan Schemes to these Women to start up their business. This will help re-instate their Dignity, Credibility, Integrity, Performance and Competence to raise their own Children and to contribute into society correctly.

We shall raise the Awareness, Defend, Uplift and help these vulnerable Women and Children to regain their Dignity, Credibility and Integrity within their societies. We shall pgay matchmaking sitesrepare generations now and next for the good and the better in equal level of understanding and knowledge to push them forward. This shall enable them to contribute to the development of both themselves and their societies.

This Organization shall strive to give these vulnerable Women and Children Education and other forms of social learning skills through our creative centers and vocational institutes that we intend build as an alternative to a second chance in life. This shall enable them sustain themselves in the future.

SUPPORT FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL (SFWACI) shall raise much money for supporting Women and Children within the African continent through a wide variety of fund raising activities.