The world is a better place because there is always someone out there helping others. Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI) always trying to make this world a better place to live. Whether it’s through their actions or comments, these Organization at Allen Town Temne Town deserve our thanks. A big thanks to Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI) Team management for their support towards our community. Well done Support For Women And Children International (SFWACI)
I Paul A. Bangura I travelled to visit a community called Allen Town Temne Town Freetown Sierra Leone West Africa. With a description by the mother of four children, I managed to locate their single room structure made of mud, where the family is squeezed.
I met Lamrana Kargbo sitting under a tree playing with her children. Although she could not see, with his stick, she managed to walk me to their home. I “engaged her in a conversation as we walked on.
My Name is Lamrana Korgbo a mother of four dependents. I am 37 years of age. My children names are! Abie M. Kamara, 17 years of age. Yusifu Kamara 8 years of age, Fatmata Kamara 6 years of age. And Fatmata Turay 14 years of age.
I am a residents of Allen Town, Temne Town. What would you do if you were blind? Especially When you have little children Would you be able to cope? It’s hard to predict how you would deal with the disability, isn’t it?